Sometimes a girl just can't help it....
Call it an occupational hazard, if you will, but once a person becomes enmeshed in the world of storytelling, strange things sometimes happen. Take, for instance, a recent trek with my husband to do some much ballyhooed geocaches that required rigorous hikes to blufftop ridges and caves. The caches were found, photos taken, and one in particular inspired a log entry that reflects the mind of a storyteller...perhaps warped and lacking lustre, but still.....
:) April 7 Trekkin' and Birdin' (106 found)
Not so very long ago, in a place 22 miles from here, Trekkin' and Birdin' decided to celebrate having found 100 caches by heading into the mouth of the Lair. Yes, they knew it would be a quest, but having done all those other caches, they felt they were ready to face the challenge.
Setting off with their magical pointer, their first trial was finding the right road. As in many quest tales, they were anxious to find the trail, and turned just a bit too soon. Finding their way back onto the path, they parked their transport at the start of the minimum maintenance road, making a new friend of a Bassett Hound who came to greet them.
Their breath showing in the crisp April morning air, they observed icicles hanging off the rock ledges on the way to the Enchanted Pine Forest. Small flocks of Golden Crowned Kinglets greeted and guided them toward the path. The trail through the forest is never easy to find, but they survived that trial, coming face to face with the cave looking down at them.
Up...and up...and up they went. Birdin' wondered momentarily if Townsends Solitaires have been seen in this remote setting, because it sure looked like their habitat, with all the juniper...but stop! Trekkin' reminded Birdin' of their quest, and climbing like mountain goats to the entrance of the Lair, they realized...only one trial remained.
Creeping into the darkness, the narrow space, knowing the sandstone holds could break away, they edged closer and closer to find...the treasure box! Taking nothing and leaving only a signature and footprints, they enjoyed the hike back down, the friendly Bassett awaiting their safe return...from the Lair!
Thanks for this very excellent caching experience. We dressed for the winter temps we've been experiencing, but our quest to the Lair kept us plenty warm! We'll be back to explore again.
I didn't say it was *great* storytelling. Many people who have visited this particular location write lengthy logs of their exploits. It's just that kind of adventure, I guess.