Just another busy storyteller's weekend.....
Why is it that these things run in spurts, anyway? I suppose some of it might have to do with the total lack of desire on my part to do any serious marketing and letting the gigs fall where they may. Not sure. Whatever the reason, I'm heading into one such weekend. As in the previous two years of its existence, tomorrow and Saturday I'll have sets in the Wee Folks area at Irishfest LaCrosse. Bodhran included, along with the heat and humidity. Guess I won't need to be wetting the goatskin.
Sunday is the Big Event. Northlands Storytelling Network decided as an organization to put our name in the lottery for the Minnesota Fringe Festival. One of our newer board members, Katie Knutson, is well-versed in this whole Fringe thing, and we thought perhaps bringing storytelling to Fringe audiences would help broaden our appeal. Of course, folks like Nancy Donoval and Kevin Kling have been Fringe fixtures, but this would give Northlands a chance to shine.
Our ticket got pulled! Numerous discussions, email and otherwise, led to the formation of five completely unique performances, featuring tellers from all five states encompassed in the Northlands region, each performance with its own unique theme, with the overall show title, "Storytellers Unleashed!"
Imagine my shock when Tina Rohde, capable co-producer with Katie of this show, contacted me about taking one of the remaining slots. The show is Sunday afternoon, with the theme "Newsworthy."
This will find me telling on a black box stage at the Playwright's Center, with Mom, Dad, younger brother and his wife sitting in the audience. Minneapolis native and all.
Telling my "newsworthy" traditional tale about a creative response to adultery.
Stay tuned!

Gwyn tells her tale at the final Fringe performance!
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